家居安防监控 远程摄像头 微型无线无网络摄像头 唐

家居安防监控 远程摄像头 微型无线无网络摄像头 唐

产品价格 ¥111.00元/台

最小起订量:88 台 可售数量:88 台

3 天内发货
2019-11-28 08:19





已  缴 纳:0.00 元保证金

我的勋章: [诚信档案]



材质 塑料、铝
产地 深圳
产品类别 usb摄像头
传感器类型 3CCD
传感器像素 100、130、200(dpi)
附加功能 夜视功能
接口 USB3.0
接口类型 USB
上市时间 2018
使用范围 液晶显示器
售后服务 一年保修
颜色 白色
重量 3kg
最高分辨率 720P、1080P
送礼用途 个人礼品
适用送礼场合 周年庆典,展销会,员工福利,生日,商务馈赠,婚庆,会议庆典
货源类别 订货
品牌 galileostar
型号 GS
商品类型 全新
最快出货时间 1-3天
是否需要驱动 免驱动

 FragmentWelcome to consult...ay, Jerry! You’d be in a Blazing bad way, if recalling to life was
to come into fashion, Jerry!”

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities

Chapter III


Awonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature
is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to
every other. A solemn consideration, when I enter a great
city by night, that every one of those darkly clustered houses
encloses its own secret; that every room in every one of them
encloses its own secret; that every breathing heart in the hundreds
of thousands of breasts there, is, in some of its imaginings, a secret
to the heart nearest it! Something of the awfulness, even of Death
itself, is referable to this. No more can I turn the leaves of this dear
book that I loved, and vainly hope in time to read it all. No more
can I look into the depths of this unfathomable water, wherein, as
momentary lights glanced into it, I have had glimpses of buried
treasure and other things submerged. It was appointed that the
book should shut with a spring, for ever and for ever, when I had
read but a page. It was appointed that the water should be locked
in an eternal frost, when the light was playing on its surface, and I
stood in ignorance on the shore. My friend is dead, my neighbour
is dead, my love, the darling of my soul, is dead; it is the inexorable
consolidation and perpetuation of the secret that was always in
that individuality, and which I shall carr**nd to my life’s end.
In any of the burial-places of this city through which I pass, is
there a sleeper more inscrutable than its busy inhabitants are, in
their innermost personality, to me, or than I am to them?
As to this, his natural and not to be alienated inheritance, the

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities

messenger on horseback had exactly the same possessions as the
King, the first Minister of State, or the richest merch**n
London. So with the three passengers shut up in the narrow
compass of one lumbering old mail-coach; they were mysteries to
one another, as complete as if each had been in his own coach and
six, or his own coach and sixty, with the breadth of a county
between him and the next.

The messenger rode back at an easy trot, stopping pretty often
at ale-houses by the way to drink, but evincing a tendency to keep
his own counsel, and to keep his hat cocked over his eyes. He had
eyes that assorted very well with that decoration, being of a
surface black, with no depth in the colour or form, and much too
near together—as if they were afraid of being found out in
something, singly, if they kept too far apart. They had a sinister
, under an old cocked-hat like a three-cornered
spittoon, and over a great muffler for the chin and throat, which
descended nearly to the wearer’s knees. When he stopped for
drink, he moved this muffler with his left hand, only while he
poured his liquor in with his right; as soon as that was done, he
muffled again.

“No, Jerry, no!” said the messenger, harping on one theme as
he rode. “It wouldn’t do for you, Jerry. Jerry, you honest
tradesman, it wouldn’t suit your line of business! Recalled—! Bust
me if I don’t think he’d been a drinking!”

His message perplexed his mind to that degree that he was fain,
several times, to take off his hat to scratch his head. Except on the
crown, which was raggedly bald, he had stiff, black hair, standing
jaggedly all over it, and growing down hill almost to his broad,
blunt nose. It was so like smith’s work, so much more like the top

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

A Tale of Two Cities

of a strongly spiked wall than a head of hair, that the best of
players at leap-frog might have declined him, as the most
dangerous man in the world to go over.

While he trotted back with the message he was to deliver to the
night watchman in his box at the door of Tellson’s Bank, by
Temple Bar, who was to deliver it to greater authorities within, the
shadows of the night took such shapes to him as arose out of the
message, and took such


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