产品价格 ¥750.00元/条
最小起订量:1 条 可售数量:10000 条
产地 | 淄博 |
品名 | 耐磨陶瓷管道 |
High alumina ceramic lined Bends, Pipes,Elbows
产品特性/ Characteristics:
氧化铝耐磨陶瓷复合管件:包括各种管径的直管、弯管、弯头、变径大小头,方圆过渡短节等;是利用陶瓷-金属复合制作技术原理,通过粘接、焊接、镶嵌、铆接及套接技术,将各种耐磨陶瓷片、板、砖材料复合在管件内磨损表面,从而形成一个具有优异耐磨性能的表层,而基体仍采用普通金属材料的复合管件。与传统的全金属的合金管件相比,工作面耐磨性更高,可以使管件的整体耐磨防腐使用寿命提高几倍到几十倍以上。整体重量大副下降,减少钢材用量,降低了装置造价与维护检修费用,提高经济效益。所有产品均采用美国 标准ASME、ANSI、德国标准DIN、日本标准JIS、国内GB/T、SH、HG、JB等标准生产,非标产品均可按用户提供的技术图纸资料加工生产。
Wesupply and install a wide range of purpose made pre-engineered alumina ceramictiles. Our highly-experienced technical experts can evaluate your applicationfor a pre-engineered tiled solution no matter how complex. Our pre-engineeredtiles optimise the lining life and facilitate the best possible lining, evenfor complex profiles.
Highalumina ceramic lined Bends, Pipes, Elbows are reliable, maintaining closemanufacturing tolerance, and ready to install and hence facilitate quickreplacement and provide long lasting trouble free operations. Ceramic linedequipments consist of ceramic line pipes, ceramic lined elbows, ceramic linedcones, ceramic turrets, ceramic lined hydro cyclones, ceramic lined orifice,ceramic lined valves. Thus it helps user to get maximum efficiency of theequipment.
Withthe use of CAD facility and our continuous efforts enable us to design andsupply profiles like square to round transitions, splitter and other surfaceswhich are not common regular geometric shapes.
应用领域/ Applications:
The high alumina ceramic lined Bends, Pipes,Elbows are a ideal wear resistance material for delivering thecoal,sand,mine,slag ,ash ,dregs in Pneumatic ,hydraulic material handling andfeeding system.
1.Cement Industry: Cement powder choosing transmission pipeline, feed hopper,chute, feed bin and so on.
2.ElectricityIndustry: Coal power plant coal transmission pipeline, fly ash exhaust system,chemical water circulation system, desulfurizing system and all the corrosiveareas in the nuclear electrical power plant.
3.CoalMine Industry: Coal powder, coal water slurry transmission, the air supplysystem, air exhaust system and drainage system of the mine.
4.ChemicalIndustry: High corrosive medium transmission, such as strong acid and strongalkali. Salt chemistry brine, salt slurry, raw salt transmission.
5.PetroleumExploitation Industry: Raw oil transmission, natural gas collectiontransmission system, waste water recirculation system and so on.
6.metalproduction Industry: Transmission of coke powder, mine powder, pulp, smeltingwaste and so on.
7.MiningIndustry: Pulp transmission pipeline, the air supply system, air exhaust systemand drainage system of the mine.
· 专业的工业陶瓷生产厂家。公司创始人从2002年起投身于工业陶瓷领域。
· 品质保证,我们的生产过程严格遵守ISO9001质量体系要求,对于生产需要的所有原料都严格控制 质量;对原料及产品定期委托第三方检验。
· 我们提供技术支持和售后服务,确保为客户提供合适的产品,创造效益。
· 我们愿意为您提供免费的样品。
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