标准编号 标准中文名称 标准英文名称
GB/T2816-2002 井用潜水泵 Submersible pumps for deep well
JB/T10179-2000 混流式、轴流式潜水泵
ANSI/API RP 11S 1-1987 电动潜水泵拆卸报告 (Electrical Submersible Pump Teardown Report)
ANSI/IEEE 1019-1992 规定潜水泵电缆性能用 (Recommended Practice for Specifying Electric
推荐规程.聚丙烯绝缘 Submersible Pump Cable - Polypropylene Insulation)
ANSI/API RP 11S 4-1993 电动潜水泵安装尺寸和选择 (Sizing and Selection of Electric Submersible
Pump Installations)
ANSI/API RP 11S 5-1993 电动潜水泵电缆系统 (Recommended Practice for Application of
应用的推荐规程 Electric Submersible Cable Systems)
ANSI/API RP 11S 8-1993 电动潜水泵系统振动 (Electric Submersible Pump System Vibrations)
prEN 13386-1998 液泵 潜水泵和泵部件 Liquid pumps - Submersible pumps and pump
特殊安全要求 units - Particular safety requirements
DIN 14426-1985 消防.轻便式涡轮潜水泵 (Portable submerged turbopump for fire brigade)
JIS B8325-2003 水池用潜水泵 (Submersible motor pumps for sump)
JIS B8324-2003 深井潜水泵 (Submersible motor pumps for deep well)
JIS A8604-1994 建筑工程用潜水泵 (Submersible pumps for construction)