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A Preliminary Research on Geological Characteristics of the Gold Ore Around Heishanhu Area in Jiayuguan of Gansu Province
YU Wensong,ZHANG Shan,JIANG Weiming
Shandong Gold Group Resources Development Co.,Ltd.,Jinan 250101,Shandong,China
Abstract: Gold mineral occurrences are intensively distributed with high grade in the study area.Meanwhile,it is displayed that gold deposit occurs in the ordovician in the shallow metamorphic rock,and ore body is controlled by fracture,additionally,the mineralization types contain altered rock type and quartz vein type.The gold mineralization alters with larger scale,moreover,the gold ore bodies are vein and lenticular,and most of ore bodies belongs to blind ore body.Mineralized alteration zone is just like a river,and the ore body like the shape of fish school.based on the gold metallogenic geological characteristics,prospecting marks and ore-controlling factors,we propose the exploration development suggestions in order to guide the relevant departments,to
concern about the gold deposits in the study area and finally to promote the prospecting of gold exploration and development.
Key words: indicator for deposit;ore-controlling factor;Montenegro lake gold ore;Gansu Province

厦门紫金矿冶技术有限公司通过不断推进技术成果转换,首次将纳米改性膨润土复合材料动态吸附工艺用于矿山废水处理,并实现工业化应用。 日前,崇礼紫金 7 000 t/d 选矿回水处理系统已正式投入运行,该系统对选矿回水中的残留选矿药剂进行深度处理,降低水中 COD(化学需氧量)指标。 目前系统运行正常, 改性膨润土吸附材料再生效果良好, 选矿回水经过系统处理后 COD 指标降至 40 mg/L 以下,符合国家地表水质标准要求,其中残留选矿药剂基本去除,选矿效果与清水接近,可以有效避免回水直接回用对选矿指标的不利影响。 同时,该
系统的连续运行使整个回水系统的 COD 指标由280 mg/L 稳步下降至 70 mg/L,新水补充量大大降低,避免了潜在的环保风险,降低了库容压力,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。
近年来,紫金矿冶技术公司通过对膨润土的有机改性、成型技术和产业化生产工艺研究,提高了改性膨润土对有机污染物的吸附效果,克服了传统膨润土处理有机废水时动力消耗大、渣的二次污染等诸多问题。 同时通过再生工艺研究,实现了吸附材料的重复使用,运行成本低于目前常规有机废水处理工艺。 目前,矿冶技术公司正积极与紫金集团内外部公司针对废水处理开展联合攻关,相关技术成果在矿山选矿废水、印染废水等行业具有较大推广前景。
2014 年 8 月 第 22 卷·第 4 期 31