上海拓佳印刷材料公司成立于2003年,坐落于上海市北部“宝山工业园区”,东北濒长江,东临黄浦江堪称上海的"水路门户",企业占地面积8000多平方米。 公司主要从事纺织品印花浆料、水性油墨等精细化工产品的生产和销售,并且代理日本SEKISUI德山积水的微球发泡粉、反光粉、印染助剂和涂料添加剂等产品。 公司经营的化工产品广泛应用纺织品印染行业、墙纸壁布印刷行业、涂料行业、反光反射行业、皮革表面处理行业、橡胶行业、精密电子原件行业、玩具橡皮泥和印刷包装行业等。 Shanghai Tuojia Screen Printing Materials Co.,Ltd. is located in Shanghai Baoshan Industrial Zone, which is the most developed zone in China. Covering a total area of 10000 m2,with 8000 m2buildings, Shanghai Tuojia Enterprise is really a garden-style modernized enterpri**ojia Enterprise Independent Corporation is established on February 24, 2003, from the start to its independence, from the independent to development, it has become the largest one of the leading enterprises in domestic printing industry Coatings....